I know the subject of this post sounds like it would be more apt for
Which? Mobile or something, but please bear with me.....the reason for
me posting here will become clear :) i will be getting a new
smartphone soon, now I have a few choices:
Windows Mobile
I would like to know which would best for making sounds with, and in
the future, running Pd on ultimately. I know iPhone shared the glut of
music apps at present, and Android is seemingly devoid of audio apps.
I guess the Palm isn't really relevant.
For some reason i am turned off the the idea of an iphone - that isn't
an anti-apple thing - all the computers i use are apple. I am
attracted to Android as a platform, even though there is bog all for
it at the moment, but I feel there is going to be a massive explosion
on that front soon, and in the future due to the nature of the
platform, is best stead for things to come. What a crazy scenario!
So my question is; what is the best, or WILL be the best smartphone
for running audio apps?