Okay, I guess I need to check out the pdmtl stuff, I don't have
pd2ascii and ascii2pd but it definitely looks useful. (It took me a
second to realize you wrote a note explaining where pd2ascii was from,
I thought my pd-ext was missing something at first...) In fact, I
definitely better revisit both pdmtl and the RTC-lib before I spend
hours stupidly reinventing the wheel.
One point, you missed the note 'B' on the right hand side of your
patch. Anyway thanks, you just allowed me to cross off an item from my
todo list!
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Luigi Rensinghoff
<luigi.rensinghoff(a)freenet.de> wrote:
> Well..
> not terribly tedious ;-)
> Am 17.07.2008 um 21:55 schrieb David Powers:
> I'm wondering if I should use something like PyExt to do some of the
> mapping, as I don't know of any simple way to do hash dictionaries in
> PD itself. As a test last night, I built a simple abstraction to take
> notes C C# D etc. and output pitch numbers 0-11, and i found it quite
> tedius to do compared to a function in code such as (this is in PHP
> because that is what I do all day long at my day job):
> function note2number($note) {
> $num = array ('C'=>0,'C#'=>1,'Db'=>1);
> return $num[$note];
> Luigi Rensinghoff
> luigi.rensinghoff(a)freenet.de
> skype:gigischinke
> ichat:gigicarlo