This is my first post to the list so I'll do a quick intro and backround. My name's Donal Carey and I'm currently studying for a Masters in Multimedia Systems in Trinity College Dublin (Ireland).
I'm starting work on a PD project for use by DJ's in a live performance context. The basic premise of the project is that the PD patch will select and display media (still images & video) automatically based on the tempo and complexity of the music. So at the start of the performance when the music is minimal the patch will select and display only black and white still images, as the tempo and complexity increases the patch should start displaying black and white videos also. After a certain threshold is reached the patch should display only colour videos. Hopefully the effect will be that as the night progresses and the music gets faster and more complicated the images displayed should move from B&W stills into B&W video and from there into colour video, all automatically of course.
My question is, is there a PD object (like an array) that will store these sets of media for me?
Thanks and regards