I cc'ed the list since I think this is valuable discussion:
On Dec 10, 2007, at 7:39 PM, Mike McGonagle wrote:
> On 12/10/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)eds.org> wrote:
> It is useful to represent the pieces in Pd space, so you can
> understand what's going on. That's one reason why I advocate
> having the core object represent the connection to the database
> rather than a query. Otherwise, it's starts to become more like
> Max/MSP's mega-objects (coll, zl, etc) that are really like mini-
> applications than programming.
> At the same time, while you seem to want to abstract the query from
> the database connection objects, SQL is not SQL to all databases.
> One thing I have noticed is that in SQLite, you would create an
> autoincremented ID/index field using:
> id integer primary key autoincrement not null
> );
> While in MySQL (from what I remember) you do this:
> id INT auto_increment not null
> );
> (Please not the difference in spelling "autoincrement".) So, while
> I can understand you desire to abstract these concepts out, I
> wonder if it would be possible. Also, I don't think that it should
> be the task of the external to "normalize" what SQL gets entered.
> One of the original design goals was to NOT have to actually parse
> the SQL, relying on the user to know what they are doing, and just
> feed the SQL into the database.
> I can see that from this thread alone, that this is not going to be
> possible. Plus, if we are going to implement the idea of
> "placeholders", that Yes, we will need to be parsing some SQL.
> There still can be query objects, they would just be designed to
> feed to the core database objects. These query objects would then
> be usable if we maintain the same interface.
> And yet, the differences between databases might actually make this
> difficult at best. That is why I still think there will end up
> being a different object for 'sqlite', postgres, mysql, etc...
I agree with you. Ideally, there would be a common SQL, but there is
not. We could try to make a common SQL, I think things like Perl:DBI
do that (I could be wrong), but I think that would be a version 2
kind of thing. We can leave that till later, or perhaps never.
I still think we can make a common query object that just handles the
placeholders, and otherwise just passed the SQL statements thru.
> Mike
> .hc
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