mami music a écrit :
> Did you manage to make this system PD-PHP or not yet?
I manage to use PHP for communicating between two computers that use pd.
One computer is a video server, the other one is an interface client.
Both allready communicates with OSCs protocol.
I want the server to display on a web page available projects, video
files, texture images etc..., (also some PHP scripting will certainly be
a lot easier than using python for doing weird stuff like downloading
images from google image, or using regex for text to phoneme translation
Then instead of using one of the complicated scripting language for
displaying an interface (tkinter, tcl-tk, PHP-gtk, etc..., I'd just use
html, php, javascript, and css, which are fairly well documented, and
less exposed to weird bugs, and safer for a long term project.
Also it's not complete yet because I'm a noob in all (and maybe at all
in short) scripting languages, but I always give some tries.
If you want I'll let you informed by this project. We could share PHP
scripts etc... through the mailing list, or create a mailing list for that?