Hi all,
It's taken me a bit to narrow this down, and I haven't seen much in the
archive related to this specifically, but I wondered if someone could
shed some light on this GUI weirdness.
While running Pd with Jack, the GUI redraw when using the mouse is
highly erratic. Typically, it will start out fine and I can move a
slider or numberbox smoothly, but if I hold onto it for more than a few
seconds, the redraw will start to pause and hang behind by increasing
intervals. Meanwhile, there aren't any audio dropouts or xruns, just
the slow GUI. No CPU spikes, either.
I have found that if I constantly run a metro and a flashing button, the
problem goes away since the GUI is forced to redraw at least as often as
the metro beats, but I'd like to avoid doing this.
I initially noticed this problem with the planetCCRMA pd and jack rpms
(which are older versions, I think). But I have since recompiled Pd,
Jack, and tcl/tk from source and the problem persists.
I'm using:
2.6.16-1.2080.13.rdt.rhfc4.ccrmasmp (FC4
jackd -R -d alsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p2048 -n2 (doesn't seem to matter what
jack params are used, RT or not)
pd 0.39-2 compiled with alsa and jack support.
I'd be thankful if anyone has an ideas before I try upgrading the kernel
as a last resort.
Michael Berkowski