hi all
netpd's major problem is the occurence of many dropouts in certain
situations. one reason is the way how all (at least all i know) network
related objects in pd handle buffer overruns. when the buffer of a
network object is full, the whole pd processing is stopped until the
buffer gets emptied again. buffer overruns could be avoided in
userspace, if these object would output their internal state. it would
be already quite helpful, if there would be a second outlet, that
outputs a bang when ever the buffer is completely emptied (like
[textfile] or [list-drip] and other object do). with this information it
would be possible to build a patch, that uses maximum bandwidth without
ever getting dropouts. the above concerns at least [netsend],
[netserver]/[netclient] (from maxlib) and possibly the objects from
as a crude solution to limit bandwidth in netpd, i made the attached
abstraction [list-fifo]. i am not sure, if it is a suitable name.
if you think, that fits into your list-abs-collection, feel free to
add/modify it.