Piotr Majdak wrote:
> Hi!
> IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> well, "pd --help" works perfectly and writes the help to the stderr.
>> however, on windows, the stderr is sent to nirvana (there have been a
>> number of posts on this topic (regarding the "-stderr" - flag), see
>> the archives)
> A funny definition of "perfectly", from my point of view ;-) Where did
> pd send the messages in 0.37 versions? ("pd --help" worked perfectly for
> this version on Windows)
oh, please do read the archives, this has all been explained several times.
>> but you are quite right this should be fixed somehow
> That'd be nice. Maybe we could something like that:
> if(windows)
> use_older_method_whatever_it_was;
> else
> use_stderr_instead;
this does not work (as has been described earlier), because pd.exe
(>=0.38) is a non-DOS application (it does not provide an entry-hook
"int main()" any more)
you probably did not notice because you always start pd via a
batch-script (which launches a DOS-box), but if you click on the pd.exe
you will notice that the console is gone.
however this means, that everything pd writes to stderr (and it _does_
still write to the stderr when you start "pd -help") will be swallowed
by {mr.gates himself (at least i would want him to)} {your operating system)
>> (otoh, i guess that miller want people to use the preferences-settings
>> instead of flags (and .bat-files))
> I start pd and it's configuration remotely using batch files. The
> ability to do that was one reason of chosing pd years ago. It would be
> nice providing this feature in further versions. Honestly, it's
> essential for me...
i don't think this feature will ever vanish.
> Do you know where can i get the list and syntax of switches? (Besides
> keeping an obsolete version on the disk just for "pd --help" :-)
i can think of several methods:
-> read the code ;-)
-> create a "pd-flags.txt" file from an obsolete version
-> ssh to a osX/linux machine with a recent pd installed and try "pd --help"
-> read the archives (for further ideas)
-> ...
it would also be nice to have the list of flags available from within
pd, like "Help->ListOfCommandLineFlags";
since you are allowed to add arbitrary command-line flags via the
properties-menu you ought to know them...