again, I'm really sorry for multiple posting, but there was a problem and the
mail may not have been actually sent (I still don't understand why I had to
double-post my last messages on pd-list ; any idea ?)
----- Message transféré de brevalju(a) -----
All this happens under Windows XP
I discovered there was a slight latency when I use [adc~] with my sound card,
and it would be good to reduce it (I currently don't have any performance
in the configuration panel of the HDSP card, "Buffer Size (latency)" is 128
samples (3 ms)
which command line should I use for launching Pure Data ?
the current one is :
pd.exe -r 44100 -inchannels 8 -outchannels 8 -audioindev 2 -audiooutdev 2 -
asio -blocksize 128
Therefore only the pd internal I/O audio buffer size is explicitely specified
here, not the sound card I/O audio buffer size
128 is weak for "-blocksize", I should set it to 2 or 4
So maybe this one would be better :
C:\pd\bin\pd.exe -r 44100 -inchannels 8 -outchannels 8 -audioindev 2 -
audiooutdev 2 -asio -audiobuf 3 -blocksize 4
actually, I don't know what the "-asio" flag automatically imply :
* does pd automatically choose the ASIO Hammerfall driver ? (and not DirectX,
Multimedia or another ASIO or ASIO-compatible driver) ; I think it does,
because "-audioindev 2" and "-audiooutdev 2" is the device number of the HDSP
on my computer
* does pd use a 128-sample audio buffer (or any other size specified in the
sound card panel) ---- so "-audiobuf 3" would be useless
Thanks for your help,
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