Miller (or anyone else with more time to find this bug..ahem...feature
I ran into quite a frustrating bug when designing my step sequencer.
I'm currently running pd-0.35-test26 on linux. I was using the table
object so i could create local arrays for each sequencer using $1. But
it seems that when the patch is saved, it saves the array name in the
patch file (ie. if you gave an argument test to the subpatch, the array
$1_array would be saved as test_array instead of $1_array).
The problem was that when I tried testing with 2 patches the array
wasn't being created for each instance since it had already been
created by the patch before it was saved (does that make any sense???)
so i would get "test_array multiply defined" messages whenever i would
try to write to it.
I then remembered an email i read a while back saying that pd now
allows $1's in array names so i tried that and it worked like a charm.
My problem is solved but I thought i would inform you of this
behaviour, or if you already knew it existed, maybe you could enlighten
me on why it is done that way...
Although I don't know the details of the internal structure of the
program compeletely, I would think that when saving the table object
should somehow hide the array so the name isn't written to the file,
since i assume that on loading the table creates the array if it
doesn't already exist...
So there's a couple of my $0.02 on the subject.
burton samograd