Hallo, Jonathan Wilkes hat gesagt: // Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
Ok, I'd like to propose a "patch-off."
What's the cleanest, clearest way to present adsr.pd from the audio tutorials?
I choose this patch because there are lots of crossed wires, plus one has to leave space for the explanatory comments of the patch.
Here are two versions I could think of.
Nice idea. I wrote up two alternative aproaches to ADSRing in Pd here: http://footils.org/cms/weblog/2009/mar/21/adsr-envelopes-pd/
My patch-off is this: http://footils.org/pkg/adsr-variations.pd
(For a strange reason my Iceweaselfirefox doesn't show the images for that article. My iPhone does, so they must be there. Can you see the images?)
Frank Barknecht Do You RjDj.me? _ ______footils.org__