also, what about the diferences between windows and linux in the way denormals are handled. i use the exact same version of PD, 0.36-0, under both systems, but have VERY different results. a patch which hovers nicely at about 35% CPU usage under windows has nasty denormal-explosions under Linux!
This also seems to be compiler related. On Windows there are differences between VC++ 6.0 and Intels C++ compiler (haven't tested VC++ 7.0). Someone once posted a patch that was easily producing these CPU 'explosions' and I tested it with Pd compiled with Intel compiler, the result was much better. There is still a Intel-compiled Pd version on my website, try to see whether it makes a difference for you. Sorry, just 0.37test4 but I could compile a new one if need be.
Dont know how different compilers behave on Linux, maybe you can just give it a try.