Icons use multiple sizes. Windows is 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48. MacOSX
is 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, and 128x128.
On Tuesday, Oct 21, 2003, at 19:27 America/New_York, chris clepper
That's pretty nifty.
I changed the design a bit and wrote 'Hi' in the upper left. Can
anyone else see that?Also, shouldn't the grid be 32x32 for most icons? I think OSX uses
128x128 but that's ok.cgc
...Perhaps in the end the logo will have been designed by everyone...
this brings me to an idea :)
i made a php+html/imagemap case-study few days ago and with that i
could make on icon editor that multiple user could edit at the same
time, or probably not so good/safe at the same time. but atleast we
could edit icons very fast with multiple users. and only using a
browser :)heres a first beta for the editor: (won't be long online, becasue it's so buggy)
caution! it uses the same image for every user, so may be that
another user clears a pixel what an another user drawed.tip. reload the page to see if someone is drawing pixels
notice! i have tested this script only local with 1 user and on the
net only on 1 user.cheers -andre
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