Have been looking round for a midi (preferably USB) controller for pd.
here's what i have decided i need:
I've messed around with midi and usb controllers for years, and basically, if there is nothing written on the knob, i'm not smart enough to remember what that knob is meant to do. So the LCD display is a must. Also, i like to rapid-fire preset changes, so endless rotary knobs with LED displays is also a must.
pretty much, the mackie c4 looks ideal, except for a couple of things that worry me: (1) no usb (2) not sure how well it integrates into pd in realtime (ie, can i update the LCD displays, knob position LEDS, etc???) (3) i read that the knobs take 5 full turns to send 0-127 midi cc. that sux.
another one i'm looking at is the novation remote zero, which seems kinda cool too, but all i really need is the endless rotary knobs and LCD display, so there's a lot of stuff there i don't need.
is there something i might have overlooked?
i tried lemur and all that too, but i just can't get into the touch screen thing, either. i need real knobs.