HI Zack, it turns out that has many issues with things looking not the same for Mac/Linux/Windows, and this has been discussed and brought up in this list. But not all has been taken care yet. For Mac, the new Pd, so far, was changing things one way or another, and the way things changes in 0.48-test5 is not as bad as the first test releases :)
One of the issues is that Pd didn't have the same font for all systems, now it does (it's "Deja Vu"). There were also other changes, a new Tcl/Tk update (if I'm not mistaken) and a new way of rendering the fonts for retina on the Mac.
The issue you brought up with the documentation may happen not only for Cyclone, but any documentation that was designed in Pd Extended, or even for Purr Data. So one way to sort this out is adopting Pd Extended's font metrics. Dan says he could get a new branch running just to test this.
2017-07-29 5:15 GMT-03:00 Zack Lee cuinjune@gmail.com:
Hi, I tried Pd-0.48-0test5 today and it looks like the font became wider than the one in 0.47-1.
I personally like the change in font but some of my patches I created with 0.47-1 looks a bit dirty and jammed as objects are now wider in 0.48.
For example, if you have a cyclone library, you can see [flush]'s help file. You will see some objects are partially overlapped.
One can of course fix these patches and make them look nicer again provided that the font won't be changed again soon in the next update.
I wonder if the current change in the font is completely fixed until the 0.48 stable release or is there any possibility that it will be changed again?
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