totally Linux. I might end up having to do this if my friend can't tell me a password for root access on the G3 (the school where he
mac os 9.2 needs a root password??
I would like to gain experience with all three, but if OS 9.2 isn't worth the trouble I could wipe it.)
linux can handle samba a lot easier and cheaper and performant than windows and mac(classic) can handle NFS. id keep the 9.2 around, and run it inside maconlinux. just for the cool apps that never made it to OSX (which you definitely dont want to run on the g3 - too slow..)
the Windows machine is 2 GHz, and I have no idea how slow the G3 is, definitely much slower.
i revived my debianized g3-266 as a desktop when my athlon32 died, before going all amd64 - it ran PD, Ardour, Fluxbox, XFCE and Opera fine. firefox was too slow, konqueror was almost as fast as opera. and im not sure how much cpu was really available in pd but it ran most of my sample-based patches with no trouble other than bursts of static due to the occasional file-endinanness issue..