Hey all,
I just edited the script to handle the translations. Here are the
variables that need to be translated. Please give them to me
_exactly_ how they should appear, with caps, spaces, accents, etc.
They'll go straight into the templates. For things like how case is
used, I think we should follow wikipedia's standards.
# wikipedia terms $stub = ""; $template = ""; $category = ""; $infobox = "";
# pdpedia terms $objectclass = "";
# page headers $inlets = ""; $outlets = ""; $arguments = ""; $messages = "";
# infobox $name = ""; $description = ""; $abbreviation = ""; $library = ""; $author = ""; $developer = ""; $releaseVersion = ""; $releaseDate = ""; $dependencies = ""; $license = ""; $website = ""; $programmingLanguage = ""; $platform = ""; $operatingSystem = ""; $language = ""; $dataType = ""; $distributions = "";
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and
during that period I spent most of time as a high class muscle man
for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General
Smedley Butler