Frank Barknecht wrote:
We could easily circumvent this by doing something like a "pure-pd" compo: Make the most out of what Miller gives us. I guess, then Obiwannabe would win. ;)
But I would prefer an "everyone's a winner" compo anyways.
pure-pd should definitely have a category of it's own, too. about the "everyone's a winner" argument, well, without the competitive aspect the compo would become a simple patch show-off like it is possible right now, too (everyone can show his or her patches whenever he or she wants). having a real competition, the pd community might garner some more attention throughout the various other geek/art/music/opensource communities. how about "everyone's a winner, but only one patch per category gets the representative winner badge (which represents all the other winners, too , of course)"? ;) all in all, i, too, think it's not the winners that count (but being a pd-compo winner would make your mommy mighty proud). it's more important to have a central collection of recent patches that show off the state of the art patching capabilities of the pd community on a regular basis.