Well, the "courier" font on Windows is much taller for the same width than on Linux or Mac. I think most of the difference isn't the height of the characters but the empty space between lines.
Tuesday mornings are difficult for me -- office hours and teaching.
cheers Miller
On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 02:16:19PM -0500, B. Bogart wrote:
Hi Miller,
how easy would it be to change all the point sizes in TK and then remove the C function to do the pixel conversion?
I don't see how the point size will be somehow different in aspect ratio from the pixel size?
If courier 12 is say 10pixels wide then it should be identical to courier -10 visually, since the aspect *should* be the same.
Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by the "at least three dimensions to a font size"?
The font issue is really a stumbling block for trying to make anything look constant accross platforms. The current PD documentation is a great example of this, where, depending on the platform, many help-patches open with overlapping messages/comments. :(
Will you be able to attend the next PD documentation meeting on tuesday the 29th of November?
Miller Puckette wrote:
Well, they're given to TK as "points", but then in s_main.c, a setup routine, glob_initfromgui(), actually searches through the fonts for those closest to the desired _pixel_ size. At tha time I believe TK had no way of specifying pixel size. I'm not sure what the truth is now; you can feed TK negative "point sizes" that are supposed to generate known pixel sizes, but there are at least three dimensions to a font size and I don't know how the single number maps to them. Ugh...
On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 01:24:59PM -0500, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Nov 26, 2005, at 1:03 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Andre Schmidt wrote:
http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/tk.htm#M7 "tk scaling ?-displayof window? ?number?
wouldnt this mean that we could do pixel accurate, measurements and finetuning (calibration) on the client to get the desired font size ?
This only applies to distances not specified in pixels.
i made a test and added "tk scaling 1.5" in the beginning of "pd.tk" made a test pacth with all gui objects having font size 10... but it seems to affect only labels, and nmb2 : http://osku.de/allgui.png
So now you know which are the things currently specified in pixels... that is, almost everything. I don't think "tk scaling" will help us.
So that means that the comment font is being specified in pixels somewhere. That is something that I don't remmeber seeing at all. AFAIK, all of the font definitions in pd.tk/u_main.tk using point numbers. Where are the point numbers being converted into pixels?
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