ok, but pd-vanilla is actually 0.43 and has tcl/tk-8.4, while pd-extended is 0.42 and has tcl/tk-8.5, so now it's not possible to use the new plugin release without recompiling vanilla, or using a recent nightly build of pd-extended, that reduces a lot the chances for using it.
I've installed the version 0.33 on vanilla and it doesn't look so bad, if it's just a matter of using pdsend instead of using pd it's possible to use both with this code:
if {[llength [info procs ::pdsend]] == 0} { proc ::pdsend {args} {::pd "[join $args { }] ;"}}
Miller, why pd-vanilla still uses 8.4 ???
I'm actually coding an interface that is 8.4 compatible but with weird behaviors, and working well with 8.5 and it's new options.
----- "yvan volochine" yvan.pd@gmail.com a écrit :
On 05/06/2011 08:16 PM, Patrice Colet wrote:
thank you for this plugin, is it possible to have a 8.4 compatible
then it would be possible to load it within pd-vanilla
no sorry I won't support tcl-8.4 (and its ugly fonts)
note that gui-plugins work only in pd >= 0.43 (vanilla or not) if you use pd-0.43 you should update tcl/tk to 8.5 anyway.
cheers, _y
I found the time to refine autocompletion-plugin so I ended up
rewriting it (screenshot below).
there are lots of changes, it would be nice if some of you could
it and tell me what's wrong or what is weird etc...
latest is here:
I tested it only on linux and pd-0.43.1-test2 (vanilla).
list of changes:
- new GUI (à la DesireData)
- added support for osx and win32 (untested)
- added bash-completion-mode behavior (more or less)
- added *.cfg file for options
- completions update while typing
- added 'All' mode (requested: completions popup as soon as you
- hiting 'Enter' without the popup unedits and select the object
I'd like to track down bugs before releasing it this time ;)
thanks for the help.
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