this is exciting...! re midi: for the little synths i've been building (for which, incidentally, your 'six simple synths' provided very useful info) i made midi switchable. if i want to i can use midi(notes) to generate pitches but by default it just takes frequency--to get to those interesting sounds between the boredom of equaltemperedness ;)
On 4/27/07 11:03 PM, "" wrote:
be a great start, something simple akin to MIDI {/ducks}
I agree with the namespace, simple and clear. I also think that midi notes combined with a few continuous parameters should be sufficient.
I thought so, too, however instead of midi notes I'm not in favour of midi notes anymore and would strongly vote for frequency inputs for all instruments. It's more flexible in the long run, and in the short run will make alternate tunings easier.
Okay, good point, let's have pd orc instruments be frequency(Hz) driven and leave the user to add [mtof] as needed.