On 2020-09-29 19:57, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em ter., 29 de set. de 2020 às 14:26, matthew brandi mfbrandi@outlook.com escreveu:
On 29/09/2020 16:05, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
I also updated … the iemguis' help file to show how you can set labels with spaces too.
If I set a label with an escaped space per the help file, and I then right click on the nbx and select properties, I get a TCL unhandled error message (and no properties window):
I actually know that but didn't say it :/ sorry
there's already a fix for this and hopefully this will be merged and work on the next update ;)
something seems to be wrong with your clock. here it is september 2020, and the properties dialog works *fine* with labels that contain spaces. it's probably because i use Pd-0.51 (the fix has been submitted by miller somewhen between Pd-0.50-2 and Pd-0.51-0test1).
the only issue left is, that the propertie-dialog will convert any spaces in the label to underscores before sending them back. (so it gets the label with spaces just fine, displays them; but as soon as you hist "Apply" you get a label with underscores)
gfamdsr IOhannes