Hi Jörn
Neat idea. And why not? The restricted words are "hold", "lin", and "linear". The code in g_io.c has the creation methods for voutlet and vinlet. The creation argument is for deciding what type of interpolation method to use during upsampling. In the code below, you can see some if/then/else statements that cover what to do with the creation argument. It defaults to the same thing as no argument when the symbol does not match.
I'm curious to know what happens (in code) when you provide extra arguments to objects--because from experience this does nothing. I think that's a safe practice, but I don't know for sure.
248 static void *vinlet_newsig(t_symbol *s) 249 { 250 t_vinlet *x = (t_vinlet *)pd_new(vinlet_class); 251 x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); 252 x->x_inlet = canvas_addinlet(x->x_canvas, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal); 253 x->x_endbuf = x->x_buf = (t_float *)getbytes(0); 254 x->x_bufsize = 0; 255 x->x_directsignal = 0; 256 outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal); 257 258 resample_init(&x->x_updown); 259 260 /* this should be though over: 261 * it might prove hard to provide consistency between labeled up- & downsampling methods 262 * maybe indeces would be better... 263 * 264 * up till now we provide several upsampling methods and 1 single downsampling method (no filtering !) 265 */ 266 if (s == gensym("hold"))x->x_updown.method=1; /* up: sample and hold */ 267 else if (s == gensym("lin"))x->x_updown.method=2; /* up: linear interpolation */ 268 else x->x_updown.method=0; /* up: zero-padding */ 269 270 return (x); 271 } 272 273 static void vinlet_setup(void) 274 { 275 vinlet_class = class_new(gensym("inlet"), (t_newmethod)vinlet_new, 276 (t_method)vinlet_free, sizeof(t_vinlet), CLASS_NOINLET, A_DEFSYM, 0); 277 class_addcreator((t_newmethod)vinlet_newsig, gensym("inlet~"), A_DEFSYM, 0); 278 class_addbang(vinlet_class, vinlet_bang); 279 class_addpointer(vinlet_class, vinlet_pointer); 280 class_addfloat(vinlet_class, vinlet_float); 281 class_addsymbol(vinlet_class, vinlet_symbol); 282 class_addlist(vinlet_class, vinlet_list); 283 class_addanything(vinlet_class, vinlet_anything); 284 class_addmethod(vinlet_class, (t_method)vinlet_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); 285 class_sethelpsymbol(vinlet_class, gensym("pd")); 286 } ... 558 static void *voutlet_newsig(t_symbol *s) 559 { 560 t_voutlet *x = (t_voutlet *)pd_new(voutlet_class); 561 x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); 562 x->x_parentoutlet = canvas_addoutlet(x->x_canvas, 563 &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal); 564 inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal); 565 x->x_endbuf = x->x_buf = (t_sample *)getbytes(0); 566 x->x_bufsize = 0; 567 568 resample_init(&x->x_updown); 569 570 /* this should be though over: 571 * it might prove hard to provide consistency between labeled up- & downsampling methods 572 * maybe indeces would be better... 573 * 574 * up till now we provide several upsampling methods and 1 single downsampling method (no filtering !) 575 */ 576 if (s == gensym("hold"))x->x_updown.method=1; /* up: sample and hold */ 577 else if (s == gensym("lin"))x->x_updown.method=2; /* up: linear interpolation */ 578 else if (s == gensym("linear"))x->x_updown.method=2; /* up: linear interpolation */ 579 else x->x_updown.method=0; /* up: zero-padding; down: ignore samples inbetween */ 580 581 return (x); 582 } 583 584 585 static void voutlet_setup(void) 586 { 587 voutlet_class = class_new(gensym("outlet"), (t_newmethod)voutlet_new, 588 (t_method)voutlet_free, sizeof(t_voutlet), CLASS_NOINLET, A_DEFSYM, 0); 589 class_addcreator((t_newmethod)voutlet_newsig, gensym("outlet~"), A_DEFSYM, 0); 590 class_addbang(voutlet_class, voutlet_bang); 591 class_addpointer(voutlet_class, voutlet_pointer); 592 class_addfloat(voutlet_class, (t_method)voutlet_float); 593 class_addsymbol(voutlet_class, voutlet_symbol); 594 class_addlist(voutlet_class, voutlet_list); 595 class_addanything(voutlet_class, voutlet_anything); 596 class_addmethod(voutlet_class, (t_method)voutlet_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); 597 class_sethelpsymbol(voutlet_class, gensym("pd")); 598 }
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Jörn Nettingsmeier nettings@stackingdwarves.net wrote:
hi *!
first of all, thanks for all your helpful replies to my earlier question about messages and abstraction - i'm still trying to understand some of the comments, but i'm going with claude's suggestion for now to keep the ID knowledge outside of all related objects and not use $0. so far, that seems to do the job, and the code is a lot cleaner now. will post asap.
quick question: is it legal to (ab)use creation parameters to inlets and outlets for documentation, or does that lead to unwanted side effects?
i'd like to do something like this:
[inlet Set level in dB] [inlet Set Fader position in mm]
[outlet Current level in dB] [outlet Current Fader position in mm] [outlet~ Gain coefficient]
of course i could use comments, but i don't like the way they don't line-wrap in a controlled way, plus their association to what they are annotating is a bit weak for my taste...
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio) Tonmeister VDT
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