Ok, I have successfully build a package (pd-ext rc4 jaunty).
Make sure you have libquicktime-dev installed. This was what solved it
for me.
Thank Ailo, but seems to me libquicktime-dev is a build requirement for pdp, not for pidip (this is what I read in the INSTALL). The problem was about libmagick dev libs... so in order to be build properly pidip seems to need libmagickcore-dev, libmagickwand-dev, libmagick++-dev.
The package I build installed successfully on my machine, but at a first look there are other issues.
1_Pd looks weird and quite different from latest autobuild from April I had previously installed. I don't know if this is how it's supposed to look, so please, tell me. Take a look at this screenshot:
2_The help browser (as you can notice in the same image above) shows all Pd objects help patches in no particular order. Libraries are thrown in the mix and it's quite a pain to find them. I assume it's not supposed to be so.
I guess these are problems related to my build process... any idea?