Hi Miller,
it was an installation fault on my side. The binaries of different distributions got mixed up causing the gui not to work properly.
Concerning the alt-key problem: I use fvwm2 on a linux 2.4.10. With kde I seem to get alt-n to work (for the number2 object), everything else fails. It probably has to do with some sort of catching the alt keys by the window manager before pd sees them. Does anybody know, how to reconfigure it? Emacs uses the alt key without problems. (I also have a "Windows" key and a FN key (since it's a laptop) and wouldn't mind using them if someone points me to the right direction)?
-- Orm
Am Donnerstag, den 04. April 2002 um 08:37:32 Uhr (-0800) schrieb Miller Puckette:
Hi Orm,
I can't reproduce this one at home either... What OS are you on?
thanks Miller
On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 01:05:11PM +0200, Orm Finnendahl wrote:
Hi Miller,
On my machine with version test17 installed, I can't access bang objects anymore. Put->Bang results in nothing visible on the screen and afterwards the window isn't editable anymore. Closing and reopening works, but creating a gui bang is thus impossible.
BTW, it was never possible on my machine to use alt-key shortcuts to create objects (like toggle,bang, sliders etc.). PD sinply didn't react (but reacts with all ctrl-key shortcuts). Is this a misconfiguration on my side? Does anybody have the same problems?
-- Orm