Hi Matt,
Matt Barber wrote:
Are we sure this is a problem with [delread~]?
I would actually argue it's primarily a problem with -nogui rather than with [delread~].
I have been snooping around the archives, since Derek pointed out that he posted the same issue to the list about a week ago, and it seems he observed the same problem also with other objects under -nogui:
The way I remember it, anything to do with tables or other allocated memory can break with -nogui. [tabwrite~], [tabread~], [delwrite~], [delread~], [vd~] etc etc....
In response, IOhannes suggested that
there are known problems initializing the sound system in nogui-mode.
I was not suggesting that [delread~] was buggy, but wanted to learn more about the nature of these -nogui audio initialization problems.
best, flo.H