Ok, i start Pd and create a new patch and now :
2 number box : one for the metro (time) the other for the output of
[f ].
3) i close the subpatch
4) rightclick on it and i choose properties
5) i check graph on parent
6) i validate by 'OK'
Then Pd crash. ++
note : it works now on my PowerBook G4 and macosx.4.11 (i don't know
why) but still to crash Pd on macosx.5.2 on MacBookPro
Le 23 sept. 08 à 17:04, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
Jack wrote:
When i create a GOP on my subpatch Pd crash with Pd-extended
0.40.3 (stable, downloaded from puredata.info) on macosx.5.2 on
MacBookPro and macosx.4.11 on PowerBook G4. All works fine with Pd 0.39.3 (stable).i cannot reproduce this on PdX-0.40.4 on a PowerBook G4 running
OSX-10.5.5could you give step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce this?
fgmasdr IOhannes