On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, marius schebella wrote:
new problems: another difference between win(dos) and lin(ux) is the behavior of the keyboard. if i hit a key and hold it down, then windows gives up, up, up.... down. but linux reports up, down, up down, up, down .... (don't laugh!). in this case i like the windows way more. has anybody already an idea how to deal with that? perfect would be a "1" if the key is hit (no matter how long i hold it down) and a "0" if it is released. marius.
When a key is repeating, the "down" message you get should have exactly the same timestamp as the "up" message that preceded it. What is annoying is that knowing that the key was actually released takes a little delay: you have to wait and see whether a "down" event comes immediately after the "up" event.
There is also a way to change the auto-repeat on the key, but it affects all windows (you can get around that though), and probably not available from PD (argh).
Mathieu Bouchard http://artengine.ca/matju