I'm running debian sarge with the 0.38-4 package and gnome and I have not had your issue.
More specifically when does it happen? What version of PD are you using? (from where?) Could it be an external running? What is running in the panel? (My panels are simple with icons, stickies and cpu monitor.
I'm on an AMD 64 3200+ w/ 2.6.8 kernel.
Matthias Blau wrote:
Hi list,
For quite some time, I have noticed that pd occasionally interferes with the GNOME panel, in that the panel freezes and uses >90% CPU when pd is launched. The only solution is then to kill the panel. As this is sort of annoying, I just wanted to know whether anyone has experienced the same type of problems and/or has suggestions to solve this.
This is on Debian Sarge (with its standard components including pd-0.38-4).
Any help appreciated, Matthias
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