On Sun, 2007-05-27 at 23:08 -0400, Chris McCormick wrote:
For analogue sounding oscillators I highly recommend Roman's blosc~ abstractions. They sound beautiful when filtered. Search the list archives to find them.
you'll find them here [1]. beware, there is an issue, that has not been solved yet. in order to save cpu and memory, the tables are only created for the first instance of an oscillator and used by all instances. but if the first instance (with the tables) is removed, the other instances won't work anymore. there is a workaround implemented in the netpd-versions of the bandlimited oscillators [2]. the first instance of an oscillators opens a patch, that creates and holds the tables. this patch stays invisibly open, until pd is quit. this works only in netpd, because the path to the tables-patch needs to be known (1) (one could manually change the netpd-path to something different in order to use these abstractions outside of netpd).
[1] http://www.romanhaefeli.net/software/pd/ [2] http://www.romanhaefeli.net/software/netpd/
(1) pathes to the [open(-message to pd (to open patches dynamically) are relative to pd's start location and NOT relative to the parent patch. i really hope, that this behaviour will be changed in future versions (or at least new behaviour added in order to keep backwards compatibility) of pd, since now it is impossible to distribute pd-projects, that do dynamically open patches without having to deliver start-up script or force the user to edit a settings-file (as netpd uses one).
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