hi there:
while experimenting with the Pd internal message, i got this error message:
can't find an indexable and selectable item ".x9396760.t939d7f8"
my idea was that to have a window (say a sub-patch called [pd test]) that does nothing else but hosts things that are dynamically created/deleted. as a result, the [s pd-test] is not inside of the [pd test]. please see the attached patch as example.
many thanks
#N canvas 390 316 542 277 10; #N canvas 386 0 518 131 test 0; #N canvas 0 0 391 262 clone 0; #X text 23 23 cloned content; #X text 284 233 cloned content; #X restore 3 4 pd clone; #X restore 20 241 pd test; #X msg 46 159 vis 0; #X obj 20 185 s pd-test; #X msg 20 121 vis 1 , editmode 1 , mouse 5 5 0 0 , mouseup 10 10 0 0 , duplicate; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0;