On 11/10/2006, at 20.49, martin.peach@sympatico.ca
martin.peach@sympatico.ca wrote:
If I wanted to program an Arduino to send out Control Voltage for a modular synth, what would the resolution be? Would it be better than MIDI? Enough for microtones? Could it make quick modulations?
The DAC716 is really good for this. It has 16-bit resolution so
microtones can be quite finely tuned (10V/65536levels =
153microVolt per level). So you also need a clean power supply and
careful circuit layout to avoid contaminating the control voltage
with clock signals and switching noise from the rest of the circuit. It would use three or four pins of the arduino: clock, serial data,
load dac, and maybe chip select if you have more than one.
Not to be rude, just noob, what's then the use of the Arduino? I
mean, why use a Arduino with that chip, if the chip in itself does
the trick; and what does the Arduino lack in order to do the wanted?
Thanks for bringing back the topic.
Best, Steffen