Hi Adrian,
3.14159265 | [* 1000] | [i ] | [/ 1000] | 3.141
(not rounded but actually truncated)
Rounding could be implemented by splitting of the last comma position right of the decimal using a [moses 4] object.
Is this what you are looking for? Otherwise there is a message-lowpass filter in the iemlib or iemabs. [line] is also a good thing to smooth out data.
Adrian wrote:
I'm sorry but i lack an english term for that:
3.14159265 I [round] I 3.142
So i can get the data i get from, let's say [env~], and use it properly with graphics (without jittering them around like hell). And yes, i used average and some basic math and got nice results, but something like the above would be nice as well.
Furthermore i search for a Perlin Noise object or a way to implement it. Perlin Noise is nice.