From same page:
% cat /usr/bin/asoundrc #!/bin/bash # asoundrc v0.1.0 20090101 GPLv3 # asoundrc v0.2.0 20090320 GPLv3 # # A simple script to create a particular default audio device regardless # of what cards are loaded or in what order. It could be used anytime or # placed in a ~/.bashrc script for a persistent setup every login. # # Usage: asoundrc [DEFAULT_CARD] > ~/.asoundrc
# use the first parameter as the card name, or else
# look for the sound card, discarding those that are only microphones
# when there are multiple cards, use the first one
if default_card="${1:-$(cat "$(for f in $(ls -1
/proc/asound/card[0-9]*/{midi,codec}* 2>/dev/null); do echo "${f%/*}";
| sed -e '|^[[:blank:]]$|d' -e 'q')/id" 2>/dev/null)}"; then
echo "Using sound card: ${default_card}" >&2
cat /proc/asound/card[0-9]*/id |
gawk --assign default_card="${default_card}"
'{print "pcm."$1" { type hw; card "$1"; }\nctl."$1" { type hw; card
"$1"; }" }
END {print "pcm.!default pcm."default_card"\nctl.!default
echo "Warning: No sound cards found." >&2
Derek Holzer wrote:
It's been a while since I screwed around with this stuff, but I believe that an .asoundrc file in your home directory might be what you need:
best, D.
danomatika wrote:
Does anyone know of an easy way to get the correct audiodev # for a specific soundcard? I am using an embedded environment and I need to start pd with the correct device in a situation where different devices may/may not be used. In this case, the audiodev # may change.