Hello list,
I just successfully got Guenter's PDa working on an ipaq h5550 with, unbelievably, almost no problems. The 'PDa on HP IPAQ 5550' list thread was incredibly helpful.
Some things:
Derek Holzer's 'ForwardX11Trusted yes' was only 'ForwardX11 yes' for me, in RH9. And for some reason was already in my ssh_config, not sure if I'd done that myself previously or not...
Also the -rt flag is mandatory if you want any kind of sound. Is there a way to do this without being logged into the ipaq as root?
Um, Guenter's editing of /etc/ipkg/pda.conf didn't work for me, so I got the packages manually.
I got kismet working too and plan on interfacing kismet and Pd. Anybody have any suggestions on how to do this? On my laptop I've been using python as a kind of proxy/parser to do it. Is there a way to do this directly on PDa (since there's no [netclient] for it)?
Also, I haven't tried, but is it possible to run PDa with just the barebones bootstrap installed, and not GPE?
Thanks to Guenter for this work. This is awesome, I'll never use my laptop again!
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