hi yves, first thing i saw is, that there are two outlets of oscibank~ one laying on the other and only one is connected. to make it dynamically you can use messages. if you have an abstraction, that contains the filter and osc of one slice ("abstraction-slice) than you can use a messge like [;pd-test-banks.pd obj 50 50 abstraction-slice $1 $2( to create it in the patch. 50 50 is the position, $1 $2 could be arguments for eg. the ID and the frequencyband of the slice. inside the abstraction you can work with send~ receive~ catch~ and throw~. so you donŽt need any connection-chords and it is independent from the number of abstractions. when you build the abstractions there has to be the algorithm to tell the message the arguments of each abstraction. (if there are 32 filters, then the args for abstraction number 1, 2, 3, 4, ... are bla bla bla, ...) the dynamically deleting is not working with messages under windows, but iŽm shure it is working under linux (find, cut). and then, my last point, i saw that you are multiplying the osc~ with the inlet~ (which is the audio-signal of the slice). that is a kind of ring-modulation. is that what you wanted to resynthetize? maybe this helps, if it is not clear what iŽm saying please tell me i will take the time and try to express myself in better words. marius.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Yves Degoyon" ydegoyon@free.fr To: pd-list@iem.kug.ac.at Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 11:56 PM Subject: [PD] About dynamic patches
i made a small and very limited patch that uses 32 filters to slice the sound by frequency ranges and then re-synthetize it with 32 oscillators.
it sounds quite ok but i'd like to change dynamically the number of filters ( which is now hard-coded to 32 ).
this would require a real maestria in dynamic patch creation that i'm not sure to have right now.
also, this would be a good test for dynamic creation stability.
so, i'd be pleased if someone would take the time to improve this little tool or give me hints.
the main patch is "test-banks.pd"