I'll put on my do-list to see how Thomas does this for the IEM guis. He seems to have invented some hack for it... if I can understand it I'll stick it in the array code too...
cheers Miller
On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 03:58:35PM +0100, d wrote:
but then i won't see the array in my patch - thats my problem. lg d13b
no, use "table $0-xyz" marius.
Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2002 14:53 schrieb d:
hi list! this question allready appeared on the list, but afaik there was never a solution:
is it possible to give a unique $0-name to an array? $1-xyz or table $0-xyz workarounds won't help me because the array should be visible on my topmost patch. thanks for any hints regards d13b
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