Sounds like tabread4c~ is very useful, but I would be hesistant to
replace the built-in tabread4~ with it, since it would change the
sound of existing pieces that use it. Perhaps there could be a
library of different interpolating table reading functions?
On Jun 16, 2008, at 1:15 AM, Andy Farnell wrote:
Yep, definitely improved for downwards transposition.
So, I suppose [tabread4c~] should be the choice for musical samplers, with [tabread4~] being good enough for playing back files at their original rate, and [tabread~] for control signals and suchlike.
On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 00:45:51 +0200 Roman Haefeli wrote:
especially when transposing very low downwards. i couldn't hear any difference, when transposing upwards, though.
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