If by any chance you're using pd 0.52 (test version) then I think it can crash when used as a subprocess (this should be fixed for the next test release). If you're using Pd 0.51-4 the problem is something else.
The "broken pipe" message means the subprocess died suddenly for some reason. But I can't think of an easy way to figure out what killed it.
cheers Miller
On Sat, Nov 06, 2021 at 08:45:28PM +0100, João Pais wrote:
Hello list,
I have a max patch with pd inside through the pd~ object. But I'm getting the "broken pipe" error in some cases in a mac, such as:
in a compiled standalone it usually works
in the original patch it doesn't
both patches were made in the same system, with the latest pdmax and pd
versions were used. I'm not sure anymore which max version or macos system was used to compile the standalone, if that's important (it was either max 7 or 8).
I don't have access to a mac myself, but the system where it was tested was a 11.6, with Max 8. It seems to me that in some systems it works, and in other it doesn't - but I don't have enough hard data to prove it.
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