Hallo, Alexandre Porres hat gesagt: // Alexandre Porres wrote:
I tried again, and now it works much better than before... so I guess there was something wrong before.
Well Claude, it seems it almost works as the [triangle~] object.
Do you guys know about this one? It comes in some external library.
Hm, it's pretty common name for a triangle-wave abstraction. We also have one included in s_osc.pd which is the standard multiwaveform oscillator for synth building in rjlib and does sine, tri, pwm-square and saw (the latter two bandlimited).
[triangle~] works in a similar fashion, it goes smoothly from inverse sawtooth to triangle and the sawtooth depending on the parameter (from 0 to 1).
The thing is that Triangle corrects the DC Offset, which could easily be done in the expr. But now I may start to sound like an obssessed DC Offset maniac.
While the oscillators in s_osc.pd all go from -1 to 1, I don't really see why a triangle wave should not go from 0-1 as well. This may even be useful in certain applications. All it takes to convert it is a multiply-add. And isn't differentiating between ring modulation and amplitude modulation according to where the DC is old school analog thinking? ;) In Pd I prefer to think just about multiplications of one signal with another one.