I have a similar setup and finally it works
My questions are quite simple:
- what is the best interface to use an hdsp with ? oss, alsa, jack ?
(when you just need to run pd and don't need to forward the audio elsewhere)
on my system, Pd works only with Jack
I first have to run "hdsploader" manually (and to get sound I have to run "hdspmixer")
Then, I start jack with the Qjackctl graphic interface
After this, the working command line for Pd is "pd -jack -rt" (the "-rt" flag is here to set Pd to high priority) ; you must be root to do this ("su" in a terminal)
If I don't use the "-rt" flag, I get lots of A/D/A sync errors (in Pd) and crackles when I interact with the GUIs
- what is the typical nice setting for pd with an hdsp
(blocksize/latency) ? what latency do you usually have ?
I use 64 or 128 samples, with 2 periods (I can't change this latter one actually) Latency is 2.9 ms (64 smp) or 5.38 ms (128 smp)
- is there any objective/obvious reasons to not use a 2.6.x kernel ?
I installed all from the PlanetCCRMA website, and there it's a special 2.4 kernel with optimization for realtime audio / video
- as modern computers/devices handles irqs in a more smart way now,
would it make a "real" difference to have the hdsp set in a higher IRQ number?
I don't know
I hope it will help