Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 13:42 +0100, Ctrl Alt Back wrote:
to get in other lines to "set" font colors - i suppose i would need to compile pd-extended from source.
not that i am an expert on this, but as far as i understand there is no need to recompile pd (extended or vanilla) just for changing the appearance. all the gui is stuff is written in the script, which isn't compiled. only the engine itself is written in c and needs to be compiled. if you are comfortable in tcl/tk, you can adapt the appearance of pd on the fly (you might need to restart pd, but not to recompile it).
I think that is only true in the patched pd-extended version. The canonical version has all the line colouring in the main code. I attach a file showing the places where the lines are coloured. This was to implement a random line colouring that I tried a couple of years ago (so the current version of pd might not match).
/* line drawing in pd. These are the functions that draw lines connecting objects in pd 0.39-2 test 7 */ /* lines prefixed with - are to be removed and replaced with the lines starting with + */ /* if you want to use coloured lines */ /* 2006102 Martin Peach */
/* g_canvas.c 894: */ /* canvas_drawlines is called only from canvas_map in g_canvas.c. This draws lines in newly opened canvases */ static void canvas_drawlines(t_canvas *x) { t_linetraverser t; t_outconnect *oc; { linetraverser_start(&t, x); while (oc = linetraverser_next(&t))
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -width %d -tags l%lx\n",
t.tr_lx1, t.tr_ly1, t.tr_lx2, t.tr_ly2,
(outlet_getsymbol(t.tr_outlet) == &s_signal ? 2:1),
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -width %d -tags l%lx -fill #%06lX\n",
t.tr_lx1, t.tr_ly1, t.tr_lx2, t.tr_ly2,
(outlet_getsymbol(t.tr_outlet) == &s_signal ? 2:1),
(((long)oc<<2) & 0x0FFFFFF));
/* g_canvas.c 909: */ /* canvas_fixlinesfor is called by iemgui_size, iemgui_delta, iemgui_pos, iemgui_displace in g_all_guis.c; */ /* by bng_dialog in g_bang.c; */ /* by glist_deselect, canvas_setgraph, canvas_connect(see above) in g_editor.c; */ /* by canvas_addinlet, canvas_rminlet, canvas_resortinlets, canvas_addoutlet, canvas_rmoutlet; */ /* canvas_resortoutlets, graph_displace in g_graph.c */ /* by hradio_dialog, hslider_dialog, my_numbox_dialog, text_displace, */ /* toggle_dialog, vradio_dialog, vslider_dialog, vu_dialog, vu_size */ /* canvas_fixlinesfor sets the coordinates of lines after the objects they connect have changed */ void canvas_fixlinesfor(t_canvas *x, t_text *text) { t_linetraverser t; t_outconnect *oc;
linetraverser_start(&t, x);
while (oc = linetraverser_next(&t))
if (t.tr_ob == text || t.tr_ob2 == text)
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords l%lx %d %d %d %d\n",
glist_getcanvas(x), oc,
t.tr_lx1, t.tr_ly1, t.tr_lx2, t.tr_ly2);
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure l%lx -fill #%06lX\n",
glist_getcanvas(x), oc, (((long)oc<<2) & 0x0FFFFFF));
/* g_editor.c 99: */ /* glist_selectline is called only by canvas_doclick in g_editor.c */ /* glist_selectline sets the colour of the selected line to blue */ void glist_selectline(t_glist *x, t_outconnect *oc, int index1, int outno, int index2, int inno) { if (x->gl_editor) { glist_noselect(x); x->gl_editor->e_selectedline = 1; x->gl_editor->e_selectline_index1 = index1; x->gl_editor->e_selectline_outno = outno; x->gl_editor->e_selectline_index2 = index2; x->gl_editor->e_selectline_inno = inno; x->gl_editor->e_selectline_tag = oc; sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure l%lx -fill blue\n", x, x->gl_editor->e_selectline_tag); } }
/* glist_deselectline is called by glist_select and glist_noselect in g_editor.c */ /* glist_deselectline restores the colour of a deselcted line */ void glist_deselectline(t_glist *x) { if (x->gl_editor) { x->gl_editor->e_selectedline = 0;
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure l%lx -fill black\n",
x, x->gl_editor->e_selectline_tag);
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure l%lx -fill #%06lX\n",
x, x->gl_editor->e_selectline_tag,
(((long)x->gl_editor->e_selectline_tag<<2) & 0x0FFFFFF));
/* g_editor.c 1268: */ /* canvas_doconnect is called only from canvas_mouseup and canvas_motion in g_editor.c */ /* This draws newly connected lines on mouseup (doit = 1) but not motion (doit=0) */ void canvas_doconnect(t_canvas *x, int xpos, int ypos, int which, int doit) { int x11=0, y11=0, x12=0, y12=0; t_gobj *y1; int x21=0, y21=0, x22=0, y22=0; t_gobj *y2; int xwas = x->gl_editor->e_xwas, ywas = x->gl_editor->e_ywas; if (doit) sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete x\n", x); else sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords x %d %d %d %d\n", x, x->gl_editor->e_xwas, x->gl_editor->e_ywas, xpos, ypos);
if ((y1 = canvas_findhitbox(x, xwas, ywas, &x11, &y11, &x12, &y12))
&& (y2 = canvas_findhitbox(x, xpos, ypos, &x21, &y21, &x22, &y22)))
t_object *ob1 = pd_checkobject(&y1->g_pd);
t_object *ob2 = pd_checkobject(&y2->g_pd);
int noutlet1, ninlet2;
if (ob1 && ob2 && ob1 != ob2 &&
(noutlet1 = obj_noutlets(ob1))
&& (ninlet2 = obj_ninlets(ob2)))
int width1 = x12 - x11, closest1, hotspot1;
int width2 = x22 - x21, closest2, hotspot2;
int lx1, lx2, ly1, ly2;
t_outconnect *oc;
if (noutlet1 > 1)
closest1 = ((xwas-x11) * (noutlet1-1) + width1/2)/width1;
hotspot1 = x11 +
(width1 - IOWIDTH) * closest1 / (noutlet1-1);
else closest1 = 0, hotspot1 = x11;
if (ninlet2 > 1)
closest2 = ((xpos-x21) * (ninlet2-1) + width2/2)/width2;
hotspot2 = x21 +
(width2 - IOWIDTH) * closest2 / (ninlet2-1);
else closest2 = 0, hotspot2 = x21;
if (closest1 >= noutlet1)
closest1 = noutlet1 - 1;
if (closest2 >= ninlet2)
closest2 = ninlet2 - 1;
if (canvas_isconnected (x, ob1, closest1, ob2, closest2))
canvas_setcursor(x, CURSOR_EDITMODE_NOTHING);
if (obj_issignaloutlet(ob1, closest1) &&
!obj_issignalinlet(ob2, closest2))
if (doit)
error("can't connect signal outlet to control inlet");
canvas_setcursor(x, CURSOR_EDITMODE_NOTHING);
if (doit)
oc = obj_connect(ob1, closest1, ob2, closest2);
lx1 = x11 + (noutlet1 > 1 ?
((x12-x11-IOWIDTH) * closest1)/(noutlet1-1) : 0)
ly1 = y12;
lx2 = x21 + (ninlet2 > 1 ?
((x22-x21-IOWIDTH) * closest2)/(ninlet2-1) : 0)
ly2 = y21;
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -width %d -tags l%lx\n",
lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2,
(obj_issignaloutlet(ob1, closest1) ? 2 : 1), oc);
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -width %d -tags l%lx -fill #%06lX\n",
lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2,
(obj_issignaloutlet(ob1, closest1) ? 2 : 1), oc,
(((long)oc<<2) & 0x0FFFFFF));
canvas_setundo(x, canvas_undo_connect,
canvas_getindex(x, &ob1->ob_g), closest1,
canvas_getindex(x, &ob2->ob_g), closest2),
else canvas_setcursor(x, CURSOR_EDITMODE_CONNECT);
canvas_setcursor(x, CURSOR_EDITMODE_NOTHING);}
/* g_editor.c 2176: */ /* canvas_connect is called by canvas_undo_disconnect in g_editor.c and is also */ /* the method for 'connect' messages sent to a canvas */ /* canvas_connect creates lines from 0,0 to 0,0 and then calls */ /* canvas_fixlinesfor to set their true endpoints */
void canvas_connect(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg fwhoout, t_floatarg foutno, t_floatarg fwhoin, t_floatarg finno) { int whoout = fwhoout, outno = foutno, whoin = fwhoin, inno = finno; t_gobj *src = 0, *sink = 0; t_object *objsrc, *objsink; t_outconnect *oc; int nin = whoin, nout = whoout; if (paste_canvas == x) whoout += paste_onset, whoin += paste_onset; for (src = x->gl_list; whoout; src = src->g_next, whoout--) if (!src->g_next) goto bad; /* bug fix thanks to Hannes */ for (sink = x->gl_list; whoin; sink = sink->g_next, whoin--) if (!sink->g_next) goto bad;
/* check they're both patchable objects */
if (!(objsrc = pd_checkobject(&src->g_pd)) ||
!(objsink = pd_checkobject(&sink->g_pd)))
goto bad;
/* if object creation failed, make dummy inlets or outlets
as needed */
if (pd_class(&src->g_pd) == text_class && objsrc->te_type == T_OBJECT)
while (outno >= obj_noutlets(objsrc))
outlet_new(objsrc, &s_);
if (pd_class(&sink->g_pd) == text_class && objsink->te_type == T_OBJECT)
while (inno >= obj_ninlets(objsink))
inlet_new(objsink, &objsink->ob_pd, &s_, &s_);
if (!(oc = obj_connect(objsrc, outno, objsink, inno))) goto bad;
if (glist_isvisible(x))
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -width %d -tags l%lx\n",
glist_getcanvas(x), 0, 0, 0, 0,
(obj_issignaloutlet(objsrc, outno) ? 2 : 1),oc);
canvas_fixlinesfor(x, objsrc);
bad: post("%s %d %d %d %d (%s->%s) connection failed", x->gl_name->s_name, nout, outno, nin, inno, (src? class_getname(pd_class(&src->g_pd)) : "???"), (sink? class_getname(pd_class(&sink->g_pd)) : "???")); }
/* g_graph.c 634: */ /* Called by canvas_setgraph, canvas_dofont in g_editor.c; graph_bounds, graph_xticks, graph_yticks, */ /* graph_xlabel, graph_ylabel, and graph_displace in g_graph.c */
void glist_redraw(t_glist *x) { if (glist_isvisible(x)) { /* LATER fix the graph_vis() code to handle both cases */ if (glist_istoplevel(x)) { t_gobj *g; t_linetraverser t; t_outconnect *oc; for (g = x->gl_list; g; g = g->g_next) { gobj_vis(g, x, 0); gobj_vis(g, x, 1); } /* redraw all the lines */ linetraverser_start(&t, x); while (oc = linetraverser_next(&t)) sys_vgui(".x%lx.c coords l%lx %d %d %d %d\n", glist_getcanvas(x), oc, t.tr_lx1, t.tr_ly1, t.tr_lx2, t.tr_ly2);
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure l%lx -fill #%06lX\n",
glist_getcanvas(x), oc, (((long)oc<<2) ^ 0x0FFFFFF));
canvas_drawredrect(x, 0);
if (x->gl_goprect)
post("draw it");
canvas_drawredrect(x, 1);
if (x->gl_owner && glist_isvisible(x->gl_owner))
graph_vis(&x->gl_gobj, x->gl_owner, 0);
graph_vis(&x->gl_gobj, x->gl_owner, 1);
/* fin line_drawing_in_pd.c */