On 8/2/06, ciccolix ciccolix@tiscalinet.it wrote:
Chuckk Hubbard ha scritto:
This patch appears to work
many many thank Chukk, you have made a little search engine :)
but, i was intrested to retrivie the coords before that they come written on the disc.
Well, the only other option would be to send the main patch the message: [pd-mainpatch.pd menusave( just beforehand. It would have to have been saved previously, in order to have a name, but if you've added stuff since saving this would update it. I might be wrong, but I think that's as close as you'll be able to get. Also, be careful using the menusave message, in case you do something wrong and save over the previous working version.
Alternatively, you can tell it the coordinates at which to put the abstraction, in which case you would know the coordinates. [pd-subpatch obj 200 200 trigger b a f( puts a [trigger b a f] object at 200 200 on subpatch.pd. You can also do connections this way.