On Monday 11 July 2016 21:56:13 Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Mon, 2016-07-11 at 15:32 +0200, Winfried Ritsch wrote:
- Had anyone experience with or used the tag type "m" for
transmitting MIDI over OSC ?
from http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0 :
" m 4 byte MIDI message. Bytes from MSB to LSB are: port id, status byte, data1, data2"
Is there a defined protocol for MIDI over OSC ?
How to implement this in Pd ?
since there are no 'm' typetags defined for [oscformat] and [packOSC]
I ask, because someone want to send MIDI over OSC to my Robot- Pianoplayer driven by Pd and I do not know if this is used by other software this way, if it is "worth" to implement.
I can see how it might make sense to use OSC as a proxy protocol between MIDI devices. Other than that, I don't see the point of restricting oneself to MIDI while using OSC.
I agree, but MIDI is old-aged and not dying, MIDI is a Protocol and OSC a synthax, so I have to find a protocol with OSC synthax.
To precise my main questions:
Is anybody aware of any other (relevant) soft- or hardware which uses the type 'm' for MIDI ?
or more general:
Is somewhere out there and does know of an (un)official MIDI-Protocol definition for OSC Synthax (like TUIO is for sensoric data) ?
Because if someone wants to send MIDI over OSC, I would prefer to be compatible and not proprietary.
Since I did not find anything convincing (see addendum) and in favor for existing implementations dropping type 'm', I propose to define the MIDI protocol not with a type 'm' in REST-style (even MIDI is stateful):
"/midi" ",iii" status data1 data2
or shorter 12 bytes instead of 28 bytes:
"/m" ",i" (status<<16 + data1<<8 + data2)
and for sysex to be complete:
"/midi/sysex" ",b" [n*data]
"/ms" ",b" [n*data]
Although [packOSC] and [oscformat] do not directly support the m tag, you could still cook your own format using 'b' (blob) type and four bytes. And if you really need it to be proper 'm', you could still write it as an abstraction (as long as it supports only one tag, it should be fairly simple with [list tosymbol] and some [list append]s and [list prepend]s).
Thanks, yes I did its, not to hard especially without regex-rules. Anyhow I have to implement it on the other side in the escher-microcontroller also.
a) Why MIDI is better than OSC is stated here :-)
b) There is on midi.org a lot of specifications and recommendations for a various set of transport of MIDI data:
Serial MIDI Ports, 5 Pin DIN, Wireless MIDI, RTP MIDI, USB MIDI, OSX MIDI, iOS MIDI, Web MIDI, Bluetooth MIDI
but none for OSC
mfG Winfried