Am 28. November 2019 06:39:03 MEZ schrieb Andrew Lyons
Ok - that helped, but ./configure still couldn't find any audio/midi libraries, and defaulted to OSS.
this can really only happen if the build process fails to detect that you are running msys (or cygwin), which indicates that your build environment is broken.
since it seems that you have missed a few crucial steps in INSTALL.txt (as christof has pointed out), i guess you should re-read that file and follow it exactly. if there are things unclear, please ask for specific clarifications so they can be incorporated into the docs later...
From the asio/README.txt I noted that the root folder has to be called "pure-data". That's not how it comes down from github (pure-data-master)
well technically: no. it comes as " pure-data" from github if you use github as intended: via git. only the zip-download contains version suffixes (like "-master")
mfg.hft.fsl IOhannes