I think I'm done updating the FAQ at www.pure-data.org. If I updated something that you wrote, I probably sent you an email. Just about all the important packages have had an updates since the last time I went through them all. I also found gemee, which Guenter hadn't announced here yet.
Now maybe I will have time to sit down and play with the new features in 32.5.
As always, if you're stuff is mentioned on pure-data.org and you get a chance, make sure I've got correct and current information up there. If you're stuff isn't mentioned on pure-data.org, bug me and I'll put it up. I still haven't figured out enough about Joseph Sarlo's Pd objects to enter them yet, but maybe tomorrow.
I am planning on doing RPMs of all the software listed at pure-data.org. This is on hold until RedHat 7.1 comes out of beta. If anyone would like to do similar packaging for win32 systems, let me know and I'll put your packages up too.
Thanks for being cool.