Fantastic! I compiled your code and now the nunchuk just works. Looking into your code a bit it seems as though the original wiimote external misspelled nunchuk and you've compensated for it:
// support the spelling mistake in the original version :-) class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method)wiimote_nunchuk, gensym("reportNunchuck"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method)wiimote_nunchuk, gensym("reportNunchuk"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
I couldn't find the original wiimote code easily so it's hard to check whether that could be made to work too.
You can also simply try disis_wiimote (available from -> click on Join the L2Orkmania -> Software) which is fully threaded dsp xrun-safe iteration of wiimote code and works with wiimotes/nunchuks and to the best of my knowledge also with classic controller (although I've not tested it personally).