Le 30/09/2016 à 03:01, Jonathan Wilkes a écrit :
I'm a bit confused because I haven't found the tar_em_up.sh goodie in
the script folder from your git repository.
It's in l2ork_addons. (Would be nice to have it toplevel and flatten the whole complicated repo layout, but with a multi-level recursive gnu makefile build system that's unfortunately very difficult)
It's allright, I was just too lazy to look deeper and find the script, a note about this in README.md would help a lot I guess...
Once the script has done it's job, I can find all the compiled stuff in packages/build/usr/local, so now I want a clean install/uninstall of all the stuff in my system so I'm doing 'make install' from package directory, but it compiles again, is it the good way to go?