Are you expecting [vu] to output sound? Use the [dac~] object for that. I guess you mean that the [vu] doesn't register any levels...
[env~] sends a message stream of numbers, not audio. And I assume you mean [- 100] here? It won't work without the space. [- ] is the name of the object and "100" is the creation argument. Could that be the problem?
best, d.
Peter O'Doherty wrote:
Hi, Can someone please help me out here? I've searched the forum and list archives and understand that the following is the construction for including a simple vu meter in a patch:
[env~] | [-100] | [vu]
So I used it like this:
[number box] | [osc~] | [env~] | [-100] | [vu]
but this produces no sound. (The connectors from [env~] and [-100] are message connectors, not audio.)
Thanks, Peter
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