You're a hero Chuck. This tallys well with the equations in Perrys book. What I was missing is the step where you get the transfer function.
I made (attached) a little test rig. What isn't looking right is the underdamped behaviour. I was expecting to see a decaying oscillation around the top point. Maybe my test has errors.
On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 19:16:29 -0500 "Charles Henry" wrote:
Note, when c goes to 0, we get a harmonic oscillator at angular frequency w=k/m rad/sec, which is correct. When we increase the damping, we get terms of e^(-0.5*c/m*t) which damps the solution.
made a typo here:
angular frequency w=sqrt(k/m) rad/sec and f=sqrt(k/m)/2pi Hz mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->